Shock, Darkness, silence, wonder, hands on cheeks, shudder, shaking lips that propel tears to flow down the face, astonishment and other such fill Ndanda and Tanzania after the news struck ground of the demise of our Joseph.
In that box, At a tender age of about 23, Lies a great Swimmer, Educationist, Upcoming Scientists and mathematician of our time, Positive minded friend, writer, reader and listener, debater, Teacher and all-seasoned company, a fellow volunteer whom though we route from different continents but decided to offer our skills and change lives for no-pay but survival to make sure we bring about sustainable transformation in Africa.
Though I am VSO (Volunteer Services Overseas) and Joe WAS American peace Corp, volunteering and making sure we make a difference unified us and was the pivot reason why we all met in Ndanda. Joe and I only saw each other that Thursday the 18th Sept 2009 evening when you visited my house in search of information (as was your character) this time to go for holiday and one of the destinations was white water rafting in not only my country Uganda but Jinja where I am born. I was glad to get you the route-map and contacts to Uganda. Little did I know the inevitable visitor (death) was just knocking and was stationed just up that mountain in Mbinga village where you found him.
I remember all the time we shared most so when whenever the gallant peace corps in the area came to visit, you cooked from my house, shared the internet, watched movies in my house, shared books, remember when we sat till late ours during the OBAMA debates, with the Dutch Dr. Francijn Van Eeklen and the Scottish volunteer Dian Milan and many more. The swimming lessons you gave us in Mtwara, the stories you told us about JF-Kennedy (RIP) and other Americans, Running and mountain climbing, to mention but a few.
Piet Hein Meckmann the Hospital Administrator of St. Benedict’s Hospital, Dr. Mia Hensburg of St. Benedicts Hospital, Suzan Held Germany Pharmacist, Rashmi Choudry the Indian social worker at the Ndanda parish, Elias and Bernice, Cristiana Cavareli and Family the Inter-team volunteers from Switzland where all shocked by the news of your demise.
We want to take this honor to pass on our condolences to the Parents of Joseph (Who hoped in their son to take on the mantle from where they would leave it), the President of the United States, The Senator of the state of New York, The Management, staff and fellow volunteer community of American Peace corps, the Headmaster, fellow staff and students of Ndanda Secondary school (where Joseph taught Physics and Mathematics) friends, colleagues and all that knew Joseph that people will never remember you for the time you live but what you do while you live.